An Interactive meeting with Rotaract Club of Houston, USA Rtr Arjun Rao, Rtr Nakul Rao and IIBS Rotaract Club at IIBS Airport Campus

Posted by Dr. A Prakash On 29/06/2018 14:10:43

On Saturday,  26th May 2018 Rotaract interactive meeting was held with Rotaract Club of Houston, USA. Rtr Arjun Rao and Rtr Nakul Rao,  who made presentations on community services projects they have carried out and also the projects they have planned to carry out as collaborative efforts with Rotaract clubs in Bangalore.

Their focus is on rural India education and such other community services.

  • Rtr Arjun Rao, a current medical student, completed MBA as part of dual MD/MBA program at Texas A&M University.  BS in biomedical engineering.
  • Rtr Nakul Rao, a current student in petroleum engineering, a Math Teacher.

Both are born at Houston, Texas, USA  but visit Bangalore frequently. They have been involved in projects in the USA and international non-profit work between “Pragathi” and Rotary International, India for more than a decade.

Pragati” is a non-profit volunteer service organization, Houston, the USA in supporting many community service projects of Rotary Clubs of Bangalore. Prof. Dr. A Prakash had invited them to our IIBS Rotaract club.

  • The interaction  inspired the Rotaract members of the IIBS, Airport campus to involve in next level services like “Try to a make difference in the life of the rural  children in India”
  • ROTARY CLUB, IIBS Airport Campus to join the hands with PRAGATHI to assist children in primary and middle schools of economically backward regions of Karnataka, India.
  • Rtr Arjun Rao and Rtr Nakul Rao of  Rotaract Club of  Houston, USA, suggested and  guidance to make our IIBS Rotaract club projects in serving neighboring village communities in CSR activities and focus on Rural Schoolchildren educational programs


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