Fun Brain Games That Will Make You Smarter - IIBS B-School

Posted by Prof. Rubina Chettri On 30/07/2018 03:41:57

Fun Brain Games was conducted by Prof. Rubina Chettri at IIBS B-School Bangalore. A treasure hunt is one of many different types of games where players try to find hidden objects or places by following a series of clues. She divided the Students into 5 groups of 8 members in each team. Each team was given the first clue cards, with the help of which they had to find the other four clue cards to get the treasure. The program taught them that thinking beyond is important to crack the codes.

The objective of the game:

  • To teach students about the importance of the presence of mind.

  • To make them understand the importance of teamwork and coordination among individuals.

The fun part was that they had to get the treasure box of puzzles. The group who found the treasure assembled and solved the puzzle.


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