Learning is a Continuous Process | Top B-school in Bangalore for MBA

Posted by Dr. Rajasulochana On 17/02/2022 11:15:44

Learning can be defined as the permanent change in behavior due to direct and indirect experience. It means a change in behavior, attitude due to education and training, practice, and experience. It is completed by the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which are relatively permanent.


Learning is based upon some key factors that decide what changes will be caused by this experience. The key elements or the major factors that affect learning are motivation, practice, environment, and mental group. Best B-school in Bangalore

Coming back to these factors let us have a look at these factors −

  • Motivation− The encouragement, the support one gets to complete a task, to achieve a goal is known as motivation. It is a very important aspect of learning as it gives us positive energy to complete a task. Example− The coach motivated the players to win the match.
  • Practice− We all know that ”Practice makes us perfect”. In order to be a perfectionist or at least complete the task, it is very important to practice what we have learned. Example− We can be a programmer only when we execute the codes we have written.
  • Environment− We learn from our surroundings, we learn from the people around us. They are of two types of environment – internal and external. Example− A child when at home learns from the family which is an internal environment, but when sent to school it is an external environment.
  • Mental group− It describes our thinking by the group of people we chose to hang out with. In simple words, we make a group of those people with whom we connect. It can be for a social cause where people with the same mentality work in the same direction. Example− A group of readers, travelers, etc.


Classical Conditioning Theory

Classical conditioning occurs when a conditioned stimulus is coupled with an unconditioned stimulus. Usually, the conditioned stimulus (CS) is an impartial stimulus like the sound of a tuning fork, the unconditioned stimulus (US) is biologically effective like the taste of food and the unconditioned response (UR) to the unconditioned stimulus is an unlearned reflex response like salivation or sweating.

After this coupling process is repeated (for example, some learning may already occur after a single coupling), an individual shows a conditioned response (CR) to the conditioned stimulus, when the conditioned stimulus is presented alone. The conditioned response is mostly similar to the unconditioned response, but unlike the unconditioned response, it must be acquired through experience and is nearly impermanent.

Operant Conditioning Theory

Operant conditioning theory is also known as instrumental conditioning. This theory is a learning process in which behavior is sensitive to, or controlled by its outcomes.

Let’s take an example of a child. A child may learn to open a box to get the candy inside or learn to avoid touching a hot stove. In comparison, classical conditioning develops a relationship between a stimulus and behavior. The example can be further elaborated as the child may learn to salivate at the sight of candy or to tremble at the sight of an angry parent. AICTE approved MBA college in Bangalore

In the 20th century, the study of animal learning was commanded by the analysis of these two sorts of learning, and they are still at the core of behavior analysis.

Social Learning Theory

The key assumptions of social learning theory are as follows −

  • Learning is not exactly behavioral, instead, it is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context.
  • Learning can occur by observing a behavior and by observing the outcomes of the behavior (known as vicarious reinforcement).
  • Learning includes observation, extraction of information from those observations, and making decisions regarding the performance of the behavior (known as observational learning or modeling). Thus, learning can occur beyond an observable change in behavior.
  • Reinforcement plays an important role in learning but is not completely responsible for learning.
  • The learner is not a passive receiver of information. Understanding, environment, and behavior all mutually influence each other.

Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognition defines a person’s ideas, thoughts, knowledge, interpretation, understanding about himself and environment. MBA admission 2022 in Bangalore

This theory considers learning as the outcome of deliberate thinking on a problem or situation based upon known facts and responding in an objective and more oriented manner. It perceives that a person learns the meaning of various objects and events and also learns the response depending upon the meaning assigned to the stimuli.

This theory debates that the learner forms a cognitive structure in memory that stores organized information about the various events that occur.


Principles of learning are highly useful for trainers in order to impart maximum knowledge and skills to the trainees. However, blind adherence to these principles can cause more harm than good. Each principle should, therefore, be interpreted and applied carefully in full consideration of the particular task being learned and the most important of them are : 

  1. Motivation:  the concept of motivation is basic because, without motivation, learning does not take place or is not discernible. 
  2. Reinforcement: is an attempt to develop or strengthen desirable behavior.
  3. Positive reinforcement: strengthens and enhances behavior by the presence of positive reinforces. Primary reinforces include biological needs and secondary include money, status, etc. 
  4. Punishment: is an attempt to eliminate or weaken an undesirable behavior. One way of doing it is to punish a person for negative consequences and the second method adopted is usually by withholding a positive consequence such as promotion. 
  5. Extinction: is weakening of behavior by ignoring or making it or ensuring that it is not reinforced.
  6. Learning curve: is a graphical representation of the increase of learning (vertical axis) with experience (horizontal axis) The term learning curve is used in two main ways: where the same task is repeated in a series of trials, or where a body of knowledge is learned over time.

Conclusion: Once we follow the process of learning, the learner is the best person in this world. Let’s Learn and change ourselves accordingly.

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