The Effectiveness of Training Man Power as an Aid to Management in Business | PGCET MBA fee structure 2021

Posted by Prof. Kavya J On 15/11/2021 10:17:08

Manpower training and development is based on the premise that staff skills need to be improved for the organization to grow. The aim of training the manpower in the business is to determine the relationship between manpower training and productivity. MBA through PGCET in Bangalore.

Manpower training and development enables employees to develop the skills and competence necessary to enhance bottom-line results for their organizations. Every organization is established for a purpose. The purpose of any organization is being achieved by a man who is the source of the existence of the organization. PGCET MBA fee structure 2021
Through effective manpower planning, the organization is able to continuously allocate and reallocate its human resources and utilize them efficiently. Realizing the goals of the organization:  Many of the organization's goals can only be achieved through the effective utilization of its human resources.

The area of manpower training being the proper use of workforce has also been posed with crucial problems. These problems can also be looked at as manpower training problems as manpower training is an integral part of manpower development.
A one-time secretary-general of the United Nations Mr. U. Thant in his report the third (3rd) session of UNESCO in 1967 listed some problem areas thus

i.  Matching existing skills with effective demand for skills
ii. Use of skills required
iii. Popular participation in training
iv. Increased involvement in the economy by certain potentially productive groups in the population.
v. Loss of skilled persons through a temporary or permanent emigration.

The occurrence of the above-listed problems is very minimal in more advanced countries unlike in third world countries where there exist high levels of unemployment, loss of skilled personnel through emigration and so many other problems arising from the ineffective training of manpower. PGCET MBA fee structure 2021

All these problems constitute part of the barriers between third-world countries and industrialization.  Coming down to the organizational level, the problems are largely similar but only differ in scope.  Organizational problems are a lot narrower in scope than national problems.

However, in business organizations, manpower is an important factor that enables the organization to grow, making it more necessary to develop and utilize manpower.  In other words, manpower training plays an important role in the growth of business organizations.
For a manpower training program to be effective its objectives, benefits, and processes must be clearly understood.  Thus, if this program is properly undertaken or carried out, it will increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of the workers, which contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals. When employees of an organization are exposed to consistent training, it improves their skills on the job and makes them work more professionally and productively. Customers will feel the impact of this elevated service, and it will improve their opinion of the organization PGCET MBA fee structure 2021

4 Ways Management Training Programs Impact Company Profits

Reduced Turnover, Employee turnover costs companies a tremendous amount of money per year 
Better Alignment with Leadership's Goals.
Improved Employee Contributions.
Increased Business Efficiencies.

Therefore training the manpower resources in any organization helps in the effective working of the company which helps the company is getting high profits, high productivity and resources are also utilized inefficient manner. So, training is the most important concept in all the business to run a successful show.

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