The importance of Employee Productivity and Motivation | MBA Courses in Bangalore

Posted by Prof. Kavya J On 15/11/2021 10:07:31

Employee productivity can be defined as the amount of work (or output) produced by an employee in a specific period of time. As a manager, you have the power and responsibility to help your teammates do their best work. The ways to measure employee productivity include measuring goals, measuring the quality of work.

Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs which encourages their employees to work better. Whether the economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to motivate employees is always a management concern. Competing theories stress either incentives or employee involvement (empowerment). Employee motivation is key to an organization's success. It's the level of commitment, drive, and energy that a company's workers bring to the role each day. Companies experience reduced productivity, lower levels of output and it's likely that the company will fall short of reaching important goals too.

High-level employee motivation will impact employee productivity by stimulating the production of better and higher quantity work. A motivated employee is more likely to have a high level of job satisfaction and increase long-term employee retention. The 4-Drive Theory of Employee Motivation states that there are four main drives that motivate employees, are the drives to Acquire & Achieve, to Bond & Belong, to be Challenged & Comprehend, and to Define & Defend. Most employees need the motivation to feel good about their jobs and perform optimally. Some employees are money motivated while others find recognition and rewards personally motivating. Motivation levels within the workplace have a direct impact on employee productivity. Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result.MBA courses in Bangalore

Incentive-Based Motivation- An incentive is a motivating influence that is designed to drive behavior and motivate employees to be produce quality work. Employers use several types of incentives to increase production numbers. Employee incentives come in a variety of forms including paid time off, bonuses, cash, and travel perks. Incentives drive employee motivation because they offer workers more to strive for than a regular paycheck.MBA through PGCET in Bangalore

Recognition and Rewards-Many employees need recognition from their employers to produce quality work. Recognition and employee reward systems identify employees who perform their jobs well. Acknowledging a job well done makes employees feel good and encourages them to do good things. Employers recognize workers by tracking progress and providing feedback about how they have improved over time. Public recognition is also a motivating factor that drives worker productivity. Some employers encourage fellow employees to issue "shout-outs" for good work. Moreover, perks like food and parties can also be a nice way to recognize good work.

Self-Motivation and Confident Employees- Some employees are motivated through feeling a sense of accomplishment and achievement for meeting personal and professional goals. Many workers are self-disciplined and self-motivated. Incentive and rewards have little effect on employees who feel motivated only when they are confident in their abilities and personally identify with their role within the organization. These individuals perform productively for the sake of the personal challenge work provides.MBA College under pgcet in Bangalore
Implementation Strategies.

There are several ways to motivate employees and drive worker productivity. Because different factors influence workers in different ways, utilize motivational strategies that encompass several techniques. For example, to influence workers who are money motivated, an employer may implement a daily "spiff" that pays cash instantly to employees who meet short-term production goals. To achieve long-term production goals, an employer could implement a program that encourages friendly competition between workers to meet production numbers. At the conclusion of the program, employers can publicly recognize top performers for a job well done.

Some of the benefits of motivation which helps the organization in the increase in the productivity are 

Higher productivity levels-  If people are motivated to work faster and more efficiently, this will lead to more output. This can enable your company to do more, and even sell more.
More innovation- Not only will they produce more, but motivated employees are also more likely to make the offering even better. Being highly focused on the product or service, motivated employees will see areas for improvement and will be driven to work to enhance these.


Lower levels of absenteeism- Motivated employees are happier with their working lives and have a goal that they are working towards. These employees are less likely to miss work without good reason as they feel that this could delay their progress.

Lower levels of staff turnover -Motivated employees are more likely to stay in their roles as they can see the effects of their work and feel that there is an ongoing difference that they can make in the company. This can lead to lower training and recruitment costs for the company as employee churn is reduced.

Great reputation and stronger recruitment As we will all be familiar with, people talk about the things they enjoy, and more notably, the things they don’t. Satisfied workers spread the word and in turn, give the firm a good reputation as an employer. As a result, it becomes easier to recruit the leading talent.

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