Which MBA is best for a CEO? | IIBS B-School Bangalore

Posted by Prof. Anil Kumar On 22/07/2021 08:42:34

Which MBA is best for a CEO?

Becoming a CEO is frequently the ultimate goal of a career, and choosing which degree to pursue along this path is critical. CEOs run businesses, make numerous complex decisions, and can command high salaries, particularly at larger, more profitable firms. To become a CEO, however, you must have both business experience and the appropriate degree.

While finance, human resources, marketing, general management, and entrepreneurship are the most popular MBA specializations, this does not mean they are the best fit for you. Take stock of your interests and abilities. Which of the MBA concentrations listed above excite you? Is there a particular one that stands out? If so, conduct additional research on your MBA interest. Make a list of your strengths and career objectives and attempt to match your MBA specialization to them. Additionally, you must consider the future, determining which business fields are not only in demand now, but are expected to grow in the future, and which of these concentrations are offered at your school.

According to Forbes, 40 of the top 100 highest-paid CEOs hold an MBA degree. Numerous individuals who have advanced to the highest levels of business cite the MBA as a necessary prerequisite for advancement into executive positions. However, some distinguish between those seeking to climb the corporate ladder and those seeking to start their own business or work for a start-up. One thing that appears to be universal is that the MBA is not a panacea. Ascending to the top of your field will require commitment, diligence, creativity, and talent.

Each specialization can pave the way to becoming CEO; it's difficult to say which is the most desirable. However, marketing specialization offers more opportunities, as it is concerned with revenue generation, teamwork, stakeholder networking, expansion, and product development, among other things.


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